无线电遥控抓斗是将无线电遥控技术应用于单索抓斗上的散货抓斗,常配合单钩起重机使用,解决了单索抓斗工作效率低,操作强度大的难点,尤其适用于单钩型的起重机和船用吊塔,其工作可靠,操作简便。采用无线电控制,可以在空中任意位置开斗卸料。国内销售业务员:高珊珊 It is a merging of the radio remote control technology into the single rope grab for handling of bulk materials. It is particularly designed for operation with single-hook crane and ship crane, with reliable performance and easy operation procedures.The grab could be open and unload materials from any position in the air. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863