漏斗的出现大大改善了码头的装卸效率,抓斗抓取散货卸船时,由于车辆等因素,漏斗可以将货物通过漏斗再漏到车上或是皮带机上,让卸货成为一项非常简单与愉快的事情。漏斗分为,可移动,固定,除尘,不除尘等多种形式,根据业主需求定做。 The hoppers are suitable to load and unload the coal cinlinder, the cement powder and the iron powder gran sand soon Product Characteristics: 1. The hoppers Large bucket capacity, and large open area; 2. The hoppers are large stowing surface, and accordingly high coefficient of fullness; 3. The hoppers are made of top quality structural and high strength steel, the adapters are made of domestic top quality products; 4. The hoppers save working time, improve working efficiency.